Sunday, August 8, 2010

let it be our LAST day!

*** To someone whom I once loved, and now I cannot determine my situation! :)..... plZ read it to the end, or DON'T asln :D

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Let it be our last day !

I know that being with me hurts you severely and causes u problems... they have even said that this makes you feel kidnapped away from your family! I also know that you hate me because I don't pay for you , though you know that I can't do this anyway !

To tell you the truth, I've loved you and I've addicted you. But after all I've decided to stop cracking you, smashing you and causing you to crash. I didn't do this for your sack, this may be considered selfish of me, anyway, you have been restricting my freedom for ages, you have dominated my mind, you poisoned my ideas and even breached my privacy! That's why I think I've had enough of you, it's now time to say “Goodbye”, “GO AWAY OF MY FACE”, because I've found people who are much better than you, people who understand my needs, they are kind but you are cruel, they teach me while you used to deprive me, they respect me while you have called me “ a thief ” ! they give out their efforts just for sharing and we can share ideas freely and adopt each other's ideas …. but you used to punish me each time I tried to learn !

I'm really sick of you, you never care about me ! All what you care about is growth of your business, even when you decide to help you are just seeking your own benefit, you may have taught me all what I know, but my core values can now judge you and tell me that you are not the one who I used to admire before !

It's now time to free my self of you, it's now time to start living a new life and to start breathing some clean air ! It's now time to say “Goodbye”, “Goodbye Proprietary software I don't really need you!”  


  1. Nice, but i want to tell you something.
    I thought while reading this blog that you are meaning really someone you know well.
    is it true?

  2. very good ya fooozy :)

    it just needs magic

    to be honest i found some magic in the last paragraph ;)

  3. @abdel-hamed, thnX :)

    @Ahmed Ismail, lol, maybe.... who knows, we are just some sort of combination of our circumstances, environment, and what we want to say effects how we act :) ... mesh mohem ma3na el kalam dah :P

    magic ezay ya3ni?? ...


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